Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Elektrik - Elektronik Mühendisliği, Turkey
Approval Date: 2021
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Galip Orkun ARICAN
Co-Supervisor: Erdem Yazgan
Supervisor: Nursel Akçam
In this thesis, the radio frequency (RF) front-end K-band low-noise amplifier (LNA) module
for space applications has been designed and manufactured. The LNA module has been
developed to provide electrical and physical performances that can serve in satellite. In this
context, a LNA monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) was designed and
manufactured by using low-noise circuit topologies to enhance the noise characterization of
the LNA module. The LNA MMIC design has been implemented with a two-stage circuit
architecture based on a common-source topology. Thus, the gain and linearity of the LNA
MMIC are improved. In addition, the source degeneration method was applied in each stage
so as to enhance the stability and balance the gain with noise figure by simplifying the input
matching. A gain of 21 dB with a noise figure less than 1.05 dB in the 18-21 GHz was
obtained from the LNA MMIC. In addition, the P1dB output power and carrier-tointerference (C/I) of the LNA MMIC were obtained as +9.2 dBm and -70 dBc, respectively.
According to measurement results, the lowest noise with moderately high gain in the K-band
was obtained in the literature. Utilizing the developed LNA MMIC, the design and
production of the LNA module with input WR51 and output 2.92 mm connector were
realized. From the developed LNA module, noise figure of 1.4 dB and a gain of 36 dB were
obtained in the 18-21 GHz. Moreover, P1dB and C/I of the LNA module were obtained as
+7.4 dBm and -62 dBc, respectively. In order to predict that the developed LNA module can
operate in harsh space conditions for 15 years, radiation, part approval process and reliability
analyzes have been performed.