Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2017
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Özlem Yıldırım
Supervisor: NECDET HAYTA
Abstract:Refik Koraltan, a statesman, born in the last period of Ottoman Empire and took part at active political life beginning with the foundation of Republic until the 27 May 1960 Military Coup. He graduated from Istanbul Darülfünun Hukuk Mektebi (A School of Law) in 1910. He was appointed to Konya Karaman Province Prosecution Office in 1915. He worked as Pozantı Police Inspector in 1916 and Mersin Police Inspector in 1918. He was appointed as Trabzon Police Chief on 29 May 1918. He contributed for the foundation of Trabzon Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti (An organization to defend Turkey during The World War I). He was eased out of Trabzon Police Chief Position when Hürriyet ve İtilaf Party grabbed the power on 17 March 1919. Mr. Refik Koraltan went to Konya to take part at National Struggle after working for a short time as an advocate in Istanbul. He was appointed as Konya Deputy to The Grand National Assembly of Turkey founded in Ankara. Returning as Konya Deputy for the 1st Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Refik Koraltan acted for 15 years as Konya Deputy. Having acted several positions at Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Mr. Refik Koraltan served for important reforms and acts of Republic Period. He worked as Chief Justice of Independence Court and member of Istanbul Court. In 1935, he seceded from deputy position and started to work at administrative life. He worked as Çoruh (Artvin), Trabzon and Bursa Governor. In 1942, he was back at Grand National Assembly of Turkey, where he seceded in 1935, as Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) (Republican People's Party) İçel Deputy. He was one the people who presented Dörtlü Takrir (Memorandum of the Four), which suggests reforms for liberalism in general terms at CHP on 7 June 1945. Refik Koraltay was exiled from the Party by CHP on 27 November 1945. He took part at the founders of Demokrat Parti (Democrat Party) on 6 January 1946. He was elected as Democrat Party İçel Deputy at the 1946 General Elections. Refik Koraltan acted as Turkish Parliamentary Speaker after Democrat Party came to power at the 1950 General Elections. He acted at this position between 1950 and 1960 continuously. He took part actively at Democrat Party with his address power and experience. His position at Turkish Politics ended with The 27 May Military Coup. He was taken to Yassıada to be judged at Yassıada Courts. Many cases were opened against him leading with breaking the Constitution. He was one of the 14 names punished with death penalty since the cases were evaluated as breaking the Constitution. His sentence was first changed into life sentence. He was released with Political Amnesty Law on 26 September 1964. He didn't take part at politics after that. He died at the hospital where he was treated in Istanbul while he was 85 years on 17 June 1974.