Comparatıve Investıgatıon Of Trophoblast Development, Angıogenesıs In Placenta Of Type-2 And Gestatıonal Dıabetes Mellıtus Dıagnosed Pregnants

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey

Approval Date: 2018

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Müşerref Şeyma Ceyhan



Placenta is an organ that has fundamental functions such as delivery of oxygen, hormon secretion and physical protection. Placenta carrying out its functions effectively provides development of fetus in healthy period. Placental dysfunction affects fetal development negatively due to arising from pathologic situations. Diabetes mellitus is one of the pathological situations impressing development and function of placenta. It is known that hyperglycemic environment causes problems by revealing structural and developmental differences in placenta like preeclampsia, macrosomia and intrauterine growth restriction. In our study, placental tissue samples from insulin regulated Type-2 diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes mellitus and normal pregnant women were investigated. Our aim is to investigate alterations in placenta from Type-2 and gestational diabetes mellitus patients in respect to presence of Hofbauer cells, angiogenesis, and trophoblast differentiation. For this purpose, sample of placental tissues from diabetic and normal pregnant women evaluated to investigate Hofbauer cells, angiogenesis, and trophoblast differentiation with CD31, CD68 and ETS-1. Obtained these results show that Type-2 and GDM groups have edematous villus, congestion in endovillous capillary, extravasation in perivillous space, increased syncytiotrophoblast knotting. Incresed expression of endothelial marker, CD31; Hofbauer cell marker, CD68 and having role in villus maturity, ETS-1 were showed by immunohistochemistry staining and Western Blot method.