Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2020
Thesis Language: Turkish
Abstract:Together with foundation of the republic; dwelling problem is one of the most important problems encountered in Ankara which is accepted as capital. Due to the increasing rate of population after the announcement of capital and desire for creating a developing modern city; Ankara has played a complementary role on Turkish zoning perceptive in terms of approaches and solutions to the dwelling problem. The city of Ankara that plays a moulding role for developing housing policies countrywide, contains very first examples of land-infrastructure programs which were composed of property-dwelling understandings in Yenimahalle district. Zoning plans that are prepared by a number of institutions leagued together in order to resolve the dwelling problem and the living designed here are both unique overall the country and also contains cultural, economical, political, scientific and aesthetical properties of its era as a whole. However, since there was not any preservation ideas, very little number of the examples of these housings that were built in 1948 and after are left nowadays, giving way to apartments rapidly. The attempts to preserve the 2,5% of these housings that are extant are not made because of not being older than 100 years. However these housings; in accordance with the Preservation of Entities of Culture and Nature Law number 2863/B ‘premises that are regarded necessary to be preserved due to their importance and specialities despite not being older than 100 years by the ministry of culture and tourism’ are possible to be preserved. Within the context of this thesis detection and documentation of these cooperative housings that are extant in Yenimahalle, their problems of change and deterioration and also individuality. The criteria for these housings to be considered as valuable are researched and detected both architectural legacy for traditional housings and modern architectural legact detected by DOCOMOMO. Detected housings are evaluated according to these criteria and ‘value’ analysis is done and suggestions to preserve, earn them to the life again by refunctioning are presented.