Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2020
Thesis Language: Turkish
Abstract:Natural and man-made disasters are constant threats causing large numbers of loss of life and significant economic losses. One of the major problems encountered after such disasters is the need for "sheltering". In Turkey this need is met through the stages of providing victims with tents, temporary shelters and housing, and then permanent housing. This thesis focuses on the stage of "temporary housing". However produced temporary solutions's in this stage, have been observed to be permanent because they provided to sheltering for longer than anticipated. It is a general opinion that the uniform housing provided to victims without taking into consideration family structures, the number of family members, culturel habits are not sufficient for them to meet their physical, social needs during their daily lives. The different regions in Turkey have distinctive needs and environmental factors, which emphasizes the importance of variety, adaptability in design. Considering the examples in the past, it can be seen that the priority given to rapid production and the economic constraints have prevented variety to develop. In this thesis, a modular architectural solution has been offered with the productive design approach for the production of temporary disaster housing, which is fast and improvable in the long-term. This study aims to show the temporary housing model, which allows the disaster survivors to satisfy their basic needs, can be rapidly assembled, disassembled, reassembled, movable, reusable and is self-sufficient as well as the relationship between such models. In other words, it aims to examine the settlement structure of temporary housing with a productive approach with regard to the design elements peculiar to "place". In the conjuncture of our country that this model, needs to respond different climatic, topographical, social, cultural conditions, analyzes including these elements were performed, the way that the relationship between the model and models might be designed was determined through the findings obtained and developed through productive approaches. The residential tissues have been planned after all these steps, it is envisaged to derive alternatives with shape grammer rules and modular design principles.