Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Türker Eroğlu


The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of drama method on teaching reading and

writing to students diagnosed with dyslexia. In order to achieve this aim, instrumental case

study focused on providing an idea about the subject was used. The research was carried

out with the diagnosis of dyslexia in the second grade of a private school in Çankaya

district of Ankara province in the 2018/2019 academic year. The personal and academic

conditions of the students who participated in the research were determined by the

researcher in the first week by preliminary interviews with parents, special education

teachers and students. The pre-interview with the student was made after the meeting

activity. The Control Letters Recognition Control Form, which was prepared to measure

the student knew or not, was applied to the student after taking the necessary corrections.

Based on the five (H, V, Ğ, F, J) letters that the student could not recognize, the drama

activities and ‘writing test’ were planned based on the capital letters (H) and small letters

(h). Within the scope of the research, drama activities took place in 12 sessions for 7

weeks. During the activities, the researcher recorded audio, took photographs and

transferred his observations to the ‘observation form. After the drama activities, interviews

were conducted with the mother, the new special education teacher and the student.

Content analysis was preferred to analyze and evaluate the data to be obtained from the

data collection tools. In the process of data analysis, the themes of course processing ’, kal

persistence and speed of learning’, ‘self-esteem and literacy attitudes before were

categorized in line with these predetermined themes, and the data were categorized and

associated at the last stage. Findings obtained from the research; drama shows that the

student who has been diagnosed with dyslexia enjoys teaching with activities, that the

knowledge gained becomes permanent and positively influences literacy attitudes and selfesteem.

Key Words : Dyslexia, reading-writing, drama method