Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2008
Supervisor: ZİYA ARGÜN
Abstract:Central Reservation System is an electronic distribution channel and system data base. Although the information flow is very fast, reliable and economical to the users, it should also be considered that for small and medium sized establishments the system can be expensive and hard to use. On the other hand for a competitive business Central Reservation Systems are so much needed. With this study, it is aimed to figure out the Cental Reservation Systems and to show the operations in details. System is configured with screen layouts for easy understanding. Furthermore, historical progress of Central Reservation Systems is also given with this study including system connections. In search section of the study, a hotelling company is reviewed considering the profiles before and after Central Reservation System usage, consequently advantages and disadvantages of CRS usage is determined. With this study, the purpose is to compare the literature with applications in commercial establishments so as to brief the realized part of the Central Reservation Systems. The results obtained can be used for correct usage of the systems and for having best efficiency. For this purpose a Sample Event study is also executed through this study. According to the results obtained with this study, it is realized that disadvandages counted in literatures are supported. Of course, unforeseen other factors can also effect this study. Consequently, it is absolutely clear that with a good study, good decision and forced applications, Central Reservation Systems are very efficient for Hotel applications. To increase the power of competition is only possible with true usage of technology.