Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2013
Supervisor: ALEV KURU
Abstract:In the study, determination of educational methods and techniques and usage of equipments and materials in the ceramic training lessons of secondary schools which are under Ministry of Education General Directorate of Occupational and Technical Education according to teachers' opinion, and a module programme suggestion on such field was aimed to be presented. Target population of the study consists of teachers who are being employed in ceramic education lessons in secondary schools under Ministry of Education Directorate of Occupational and Technical Education. In the scope of study, application has been made in 13 schools offering ceramic education countrywide, and the entire teachers being employed for the related field participated the study. In the study; screening model with survey, which is developed for the aim of reviewing educational methods and techniques in terms of equipment and material usage according to teachers' opinion applied in ceramic field training lessons which are given in secondary schools, was used. Based on the findings of the study, the following results were found: 1. Related with the frequency of educational methods and techniques used by teachers in ceramic training lessons, it is observed that the most used method or technique is on-the-job training, and this is followed by question-answer and explanation methods respectively. The least method or techniques used by teachers are travel-observation, case study and group discussion. This case reveals that teachers are inclined to use traditional education methods and techniques as well as on-the-job training for the ceramic training field, which is an applied field. 2. It is observed that the most important element in selection of educational methods and techniques they use in ceramic training lessons is the time factor. In the open-ended questions, particularly in the stages for application and determination of modular programmes, same results were obtained from the teachers related with failing to use the time efficiently. 3. In distribution of frequency of problems encountered at selection of educational methods and techniques which are used by teachers in ceramic training lessons, the most important factors experienced are seen as the concern for curriculum completion and difficulties in material supply. 4. The problems which are mostly encountered by the teachers in usage of equipments in ceramic training lessons are observed as not knowing how to use some equipments and high costs for the equipments. In the study, according to the results obtained based on the findings acquired, the following suggestions were developed in ceramic field training and new studies to be made for this subject: Teachers who are giving ceramic training lesson in high schools under Directories of Occupational and Technical Trainings of Ministry of Education must consider the subject they are going to instruct, equipments they have, the techniques they are planning to use, knowledge level of students; amount, capabilities and interests of the student group. Eliminating the deficiencies of schools and departments both physically and in terms of equipments where modules are applied, and availability of a counsellor in schools for the usages of equipments shall quite provide benefits for the teachers in regulating the work flow in ceramic lesson. Suitable persons to be employed as counsellor for equipment usage can be selected by correspondence which may be the academicians employed in ceramic fields of universities. In scope of the study, by considering the answers given by teachers for open-ended questions, hemstitch decoration made by flowing method which has a simple and open language and supported by both two-dimensional and three-dimensional visuals of process steps by avoiding too much detailing, has been presented as the suggestion suitable for the module writing format which is prescribed by the Ministry of Education.