The Effectıveness Of Teachıng Wıth Sımultaneous Promptıng Procedure To Gaın The Abılıty To Use Braılle Readıng And Note Takıng Devıce

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: RECEP GÜR



In this study, the effectiveness of with simultaneous prompting procedure to gain the ability to use Braille reading and note taking device for visually impaired students is examined. In addition, in this study, it is investigated whether individuals could continue the skills gained 10, 20 and 30 days after teaching and whether they could generalize the acquired skills to different environments and different people. In order to determine the effectiveness of simultaneous prompting procedure, multiple polling model with single-stage polling stage is used in the study. The study is conducted with three visually impaired students, two of whom were girls and one was male. The dependent variable of this research is the ability to use the Braille reading and note-taking device. The independent variable of the research is the simultaneous prompting procedure method in teaching Braille reading and note taking skills. In order to determine the effectiveness of teaching with the simultaneous prompting procedure in teaching Braille reading and note taking skills to visually impaired students, collective polling, daily polling, teaching, monitoring and generalization sessions were organized. Single opportunity method is used in the evaluation sessions. The findings of the study show that simultaneous prompting procedure is effective in teaching Braille reading and note taking skills to visually impaired students and that the retention of the learning is maintained 10, 20 and 30 days after the end of the instruction. At the same time, it is seen that subjects can generalize the taught skills to different environments and different people.