Investigation of the Relationships between Listening Comprehension and Retelling Skills with Motivation

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sınıf Eğitimi, Turkey

Approval Date: 2020

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Mustafa Ulusoy


Listening is a skill that requires many cognitive processes, the ability of which is to select, process and analyze sounds that are perceived as the first language skill of the individual. The goal in this skill is comprehension. Comprehension is the work of making sense of new information obtained from a text that is read or listened, combined with old information. Retelling is the re-expression of the information obtained from a text that is read or listened through thinking, questioning and correlation. While expression is a strategy used to measure comprehension skills, it is an oral and written language skill that is influenced by many different variables as a skill beyond comprehension, whether listening or after reading. In this study, direct or indirect relationships between the students' retelling and listening motivation, listening comprehension and productive vocabulary were aimed to test with the Structural Equation Model. In this study, listening motivation, t-unit numbers and listening comprehension skills were evaluated as independent variablesand listening retelling skills were considered as dependent variables. The research wascarried out in correlational screening model. The sample consists of 286 elementary school4th grade students studying in the public schools in Giresun at the 2019-2020 academicyear. As data collection tools; listening motivation scale, multiple choice test and cloze testfor listening comprehension and rubric to evaluate listening retelling were used. In the datacollection process, three illustrated children's picture books were selected for students’listening comprehension, written and oral expression skills. Data were analyzed with SPSS16 and AMOS 22. The data were analyzed by descriptive, correlational, measurementmodel, structural equation model, and mediation test for direct and indirect relations.According to the research results; (a) the structural equation model created for the listening retelling dependent variable shows perfect fit values and independent variables explain 67% of the variance in the dependent variable, (b) listening comprehension and t-unit numbers are significantly related to listening retelling, while listening motivations are not significantly related to listening retelling skills, (c) listening motivation directly and significantly predicted listening comprehension and t-unit numbers, (d) listening comprehension skills directly and significantly predicted t-unit numbers and listening retelling skills, (e) t-unit numbers directly and significantly predicted the listening retelling skills, (f) listening motivation predicted listening retelling through mediating role of listening comprehension, (g) listening motivation predicted listening retelling through mediating role of t-unit numbers, (h) listening comprehension motivation predicted listening retelling through mediating role of t-unit numbers, (i) listening motivation, listening comprehension and t-unit number in the structural equation model have large effect size on oral and written retelling.

Key Words : Listening, listening comprehension, listening retelling, listening motivation, narrative texts, productive vocabulary, structural equational modeling