Modernization of production lines at food technology

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2013


Supervisor: ADNAN AKKURT


The use of traditional methods of production in the food industry that will return results containing inconvenient in terms of food safety, production performance, job security. In addition, hygiene and sanitation of storage media of products gain great importance. This study in San-Tez Project includes a facility engaged in manufacturing with traditional methods modernized with new manufacturing technique and the results of the assessment is made. The use of modern production systems has provided that reduce production time and costs with increased level of food quality and safety of consumption. Aplications show that Choi-Okos value of the specific heat values which provide the most realistic value for cooling process imparts used in food production systems. Product quality, production time and in all the other reviews show that modern production lines gave the most positive results and considering the demand and supply balance, power production increased 218%.