Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2018
Abstract:In architectural design education applications such as drawing and modeling traditional design and expression tools still continue at the present time. Computer technology is used as an auxiliary tool. This mixed (hybrid) education system is seen as a transition process to computer technologies. By using of computer technologies in architectural design education, students can perform their studies through modeling programs using two-dimensional drawing or three-dimensional models. They can use photorealistic visual tools and simulation environments using counter-interactive animation techniques and they can experience their work using virtual reality software. In this thesis study, it was aimed to give a different perspective to architectural design education by investigating the effect of design principles on the teaching of basic concepts and perception of the place to students who have started design education by using counter interactive animation techniques. In this context, traditional expression tools, computer aided design tools, photorealistic simulation software and virtual reality expression tools are used in design and comparison. A field study was carried out with the students of Gazi University Architecture Department during the semester of the education and training. In the field study, field comparison of four expression tools was made. As a result, with the use of these technologies, the computer environment is not just a means of expression, the computer environment seems to be a tool or an environment that can be experienced as a means of expression and it is necessary to make use of computer technologies in architectural education because of its convenience and superior qualities.