Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2008
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Serpil USLU
Supervisor: ŞENİZ AKSOY
Abstract:iv ABTRACT Master Thesis Uslu, Serpil Faculty of Painting Teacher Graduate Programme Master Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Şeniz AKSOY January- 2008 EXAMINING THE ARTISTIC DEVELOPMENT LEVEL OF THE 7-9 YEARS OLD CHILDREN WHO ARE LIVING WITH THEIR OWN FAMILIES AND WHO ARE LIVING UNDER THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CHILD PROTECTION ORGANIZATION This research is prepared for the purpose of exploring the artistic development differences of the children who are living with their own families and the children who are living at the Children Protection Organization. General subject of the research is the children who are living under the responsibility of the Child Protection Organizations in Denizli and who are living with their own families; exemplary two 7- 9 children groups consists of from Denizli Child Protection Organization and from Hacı Halil Bektaş Primary School of Denizli. For this research, these two groups of the children draw the picture of The happiest Time of Their Lives. Points are given to these works by three art specialist according to these criteria: Narration, Space, Proportion and Balance and Color. Importance Test is used between the differences of the two averages and from the results of the data, what is found important is the artistic development differences of the children who are living with their own families and the children who are living at the Children Protection Organization. According to the data of the research, it is found that the artistic development level of the children who are living at the Child Protection Organization is at the lower level than the children living with their families (p<0.05). At the end of the research we come to the conclusion that there are differences in the artistic development level of the children who are living at the Children Protection Organization and who are living with their families.