Acoustıc Readıng Errors Of Students Of Dıfferent Age And Natıonalıty Groups In Teachıng Turkish To Foreıgners: The Case Of Kırkuk

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2020

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: MEHMET KARA


The main purpose of this research is to identify the mistakes that Arab and Kurdish high school and university students make when reading aloud in Turkish and offer solutions these errors. Kirkuk creator of the universe and sample Research / Iraq Although Arabic is the official language of Turkey / Turkish sympathy that they have heard has encouraged them to learn the language. A text of 553 words in Turkish was read to the students who participated in the study, and their mistakes in were identified. A total of 13 errors were identified as word repetition, syllable repeatition, wrong reading, breath control, speaking, misunderstanding, word jumping, syllable jumping, adding words, adding syllables, adding sounds, eclipse and false spelling. A total of 56 students participated in the study. Voice records were taken ofparicipating students reading the text, later these voice recordings were deciphered by the researcher. In addition to the text used, an interview form was given to measure student’s attitudes towards Turkish. As a result of these studies, the data were analyzed by considering the gender, marriage type, nationality and levels of the students. The result of the study, showed that the high school students made a total of 3719 errors in the reading text, while university students made a total of 2757 errors. According to this result, although the high school students have been studying Turkish since primary school, the reason why they make more mistakes than the students who study at the university and encounter Turkish for the first time is because the teaching of Turkish was focused only on grammar. Additionally, Turkish was taught for all language skills at the university. Information in the form of items is included in the suggestions section to reduce the detected errors