Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2017
Student: HACER ULU
Abstract:This research conducted to determine the effect of WebQuest-based teaching on reading comprehension skill, reading strategies metacognitive awareness and knowledge level, and the suitability of the evaluation criteria of the learning products is planned as an action research pattern. The research's study group is consist of 24 fourth grade students in a primary school, situated in a district of Afyonkarahisar, during the second term of 2015-2016 school year. In the research proceeding for 55 course hours the students attend three exercises WebQuest-based teaching as a group, paired and individual. Personal information form, reading comprehension test, reading strategies metacognitive awareness inventory, WebQuest products evaluation rubric, knowledge level tests, course videos for evaluating education process, semi-structured interview forms and students' diaries for specifying teachers' and students' opinions are used during the research. While reading comprehension test, reading strategies metacognitive awareness inventory and knowledge level tests are used as pretest and posttest in the research, WebQuest learning products are evaluated separately at the end of practises with which they are correlated. During the research the analysis of quantitive data is resolved via IBM SPSS 16.0 package program. Descriptive statistics rank in the analysis of quantitive data and t test is used for relevant samples. Qualitative data is resolved making descriptive analysis. According to findings acquired from research's quantitive data, it is confirmed that there is a significant rise in student's posttest grades in regard top pretest grades of their reading comprehension, knowledge level and reading strategies metacognitive awareness problem solving strategy and supporting levels of reading strategies. Besides, it is reached that there isn't a significant difference but there is a rise between pretest and posttest grades of the level of generic reading strategy. It is determined that learning products prepared at the end of second and third practises have a higher average in terms of presentation and planning, organization, scientific accuracy, spelling, resources, content validity and authenticity than the ones in the first practise. During the process it is observed that the students make use of e-reading-comprehension strategies but they dont't always use them. It has been observed that students using e-reading comprehension strategies are more successful in practice and use time efficiently. In the analysis of research's qualitative data, while the students indicate that they use e-reading-comprehension strategies such as determining reading aim, a cursory glance, watching the writings written by different colors, summarisation, note taking, revising using tables, pictures and figures; they state that there are differences in terms of access to pages, reaching to the information, routing to other relevant pages, existence of irrelevant content (advertisement, news etc.), type font, existence linear or non-linear reading, being multimodal and eye health between reading from a book and a screen. They opined that followed steps in teaching aids make positive contributions to provide counselling, facilitate learning and use time effectively. They state that while the WebQuest-based teaching has a different teaching process in terms of material usage, activity making, reaching to information and roles of teacher and student; they express they obtain skills in using keyboard, toolbar, mouse, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint regarding computers. In addition, it comes out that the students have some difficulties in reaching sites, performing applications and collaboration but they are observed to overcome these problems. Those findings introduce a number of suggestions to today's researchers, educators and pragmatics with regard to WebQuest-based teaching should be used for improving e-reading-comprehension skill in current learning environments.