The Effect Of Digital Storytelling In Improving The Writing Skills Of Third Grade School Students

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2015




The aim of the current study was to investigate the effects of digital storytelling in improving the writing skills of third grade students enrolled in rural areas. In this action research, studentsz writing performance and writing knowledge were measured before and after teaching of digital storytelling. Then, the process of narrative writing with digital storytelling was profoundly and carefully explored through observation and field notes, interviews, voice and video records, studentsz diaries and documents, and student products. The study was conducted with third grade students enrolled in a village school which is connected to Afyonkarahisar in the second half of 2013-2014 academic years. Students created a series of three digital stories over the course of 48 hours. The stories were created by groups, pairs and individuals respectively. The findings indicated that digital storytelling enhanced studentsz ideas, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions in terms of writing quality. Similarly, digital storytelling improved story elements and word counts in stories. Considering writing knowledge, digital storytelling had a positive impact on studentsz knowledge about production and story elements, and it strengthened studentsz substantive process knowledge through planning, searching, generating ideas, drafting and revising. In terms of studentsz quality of digital stories, students could not reach to the desired level in terms of making sense, illustrating various part of story, consistency of image and voice, sound recording, and adding convenient music, which are related to technology literacy. However, the findings demonstrated that elements of digital stories advanced throughout the process with the developments in the technology literacy and competency of students. Besides, digital storytelling modified the process of narrative writing, and digital storytelling was a tool to overcome the digital ivide through developing studentsz new literacy perception, competency, and skills. On the other hand, it was concluded that digital storytelling created learning community by improving interactions among students in the classroom, and increased studentsz motivation to write. Lastly, there were some barriers arising from: a) hardware, b) internet, c) implementation, d) students. These findings are expected to present a number of suggestions to researchers, educators and practitioners about how to use and improve digital storytelling and traditional writing process by integrating them in learning settings.