Negative Words And Behaviours Of Teachers From The Aspect Of Language-Behaviour Relationship

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2016


Supervisor: MEHMET KARA


In this research, negative words and behaviors of teachers observed by secondary school students were examined from the aspect of language-behavior relationship. In this respect, it is descriptively analyzed that at what extent teachers use negative communication elements as word and behavior in teacher-student communication at secondary school during the lectures, using quantitative method.In communication, it is not possible to separate language and behavior. Teacher not only transfers information orally (communicating) but also exhibits a behavior (attitude) in the classroom. When the classroom environment is observed from the communication process elements aspect, teacher is of great importance as the starter of communication, in order to provide an efficient process. Students take their teachers as a model in the classroom and are affected from teachers' behaviors either positively or negatively. Particularly negatively affected words and behaviors also bring about some problems for the future. Teachers with negative behaviors affect student behaviors too.The research is based on to find out what the negative words and behaviors used by teachers are, whether or not the negative words and behaviors of teachers have a considerable difference in relation with the variables of gender and branch, and to determine the consistency between the students, by the way of survey. The sample of the research consists of the 6th, 7th and 8th grade students of Gazi Osman Paşa Primary School in Yenimahalle district and Karacaören Secondary School in Altındağ district of Ankara city, who participate the research voluntarily. In the results of the surveys, the negative words and behaviors for both male and female teachers were detected. When we check the outputs of the research generally, it was found out that teachers exhibited seventeen different negative behaviors and used many negative words in the classroom. For female teachers, it was understood that they gave punishments rather than applying physical violence and beating students; and used negative words more than negative behaviors. As for the male teachers, it was understood that they applied more physical violence and beat students more than female teachers; and also used negative words too much. According to the research outputs, it is not possible for those who appear in the classroom with this teacher profile to affect students in a positive way. These kinds of teachers will make students unsuccessful, frustrated, lowered self-esteem, rebellious, diffident and also they will grow individuals who cannot self-realize themselves and do not trust other people, by improving negative personality perception and damaging their self-confidence.With this research, it is concluded that teachers should be provided detailed and practical in service training seminars by experts and are supposed to be informed about professional improvements, improve themselves and have the skill for approaching students with empathy.