Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, GÜZEL SANATLAR EĞİTİMİ ANA BİLİM DALI, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Günay Akgün
This research was conducted to investigate whether amateur polyphonic choirs contribute
to individual, social and cultural development to choir members of different occupational
groups and to what level of development. Questions were asked to the choir members in
the amateur polyphonic choirs with the survey method. The surveys were performed by the
choir members; polyphonic choral music, individual development of the choral music,
social relations and cultural contributions aimed to reveal data analysis. As a result of the
evaluation of the findings obtained through surveys; it has been observed that individuals
being members of an amateur polyphonic choir are positive and highly effective in
individual, social and cultural terms and the benefits of polyphonic choirs in terms of
sociality and totality in human life are undeniable. As a result of the research; necessary
solutions were suggested for the functionally, adequacy and sustainability of the amateur
polyphonic choirs for the situations determined and it was thought that the choir music
which will continue in the amateur polyphonic choirs today and will continue to contribute
to the development of human and society.
Key Words : Choir, amateur choir, pholyphonic choir, choir member (chorist), choral
music, choir and individual, choir and society, choir and culture.