Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2015
Abstract:Stories have an important place in children's language development. The stories which are different from other types of text in the point of structure and format and can be understood easily in terms of features are essential that the development of the capacity of reading and understanding as well as contribution to children's language development. Generally, educators and sometimes students always complain about the texts in coursebooks and storybooks which are thought to be close to the students' level have the same format properties. Studying of the original texts which are fictionalised specifically for childrens is essential for development of reading curiosity and reading habits of children and also keeping alive of their motivation to the reading. This situation can be possible if the teachers prepare the texts which are appropriate to their students' levels when it is necessary. In this study it was asked to write stories without limitation "as if they were teachers" from the teacher traineers who were attending to a state university and the were in the final year. On a voluntary basis, the stories were colllected from the 235 teacher trainees and these stories were examined by the researchers according to a control chart developed by them and 85 stories were analyzed whether they contained the elements of the story depending on the first research question. Later,in the second research question, the perception of the teacher trainees who wrote the stories, their answers to the five open ended questions given by researcher and their difference frequencies were evaluated.In the third research question, it was asked the six open ended questions to the teacher trainees for ensuring their perceptions about how stories should be taught and the answers were analyzed according to differences in the intenal frequency.The results which founded is analyzed for each reasearch question.As a result, it was seen that none of the teacher trainees gave place the sense of humour which was important in children's stories and they didn't have enough information about authors of Turkish and worldwide children's literature. By extention, the suggestions for teacher trainees and researches were presented.