Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2007


Supervisor: NURSEL AKÇAM


In general, radar systems use modulated waveforms and directive antennas to transmit electromagnetic energy into a specific volume in space to search for targets. Objects (targets) within a search volume will reflect portions of this energy (radar returns or echoes) back to the radar. These echoes are then processed by the radar receiver to extract target information such as range, velocity, angular position, and other target identifying characteristics. When the radar radiated energy impinges on a target, the induced surface currents on that target radiate electromagnetic energy in all directions. The amount of the radiated energy is proportional to the target size, orientation, physical shape, and material, which are all lumped together in one targetspecific parameter called the Radar Cross Section (RCS). In this thesis I made matlab simulation for RCS of simple objects such as ellipsoid, circular flat plate, cylinder, rectangular flat plate. I made matlab simulation of these objects and then I investigated these simulations.