Long-Term Results Of Dıfferent Types Of Orbıtal Decompressıon Surgery For The Treatment Of Thyroid-Related Ophthalmopathy

Thesis Type: Expertise In Medicine

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Turkey

Approval Date: 2015


Supervisor: ONUR KONUK


In this study, we aimed to present long term results of different orbital decompression surgeries applied for different indications in tyroid-related orbitopathy. This study was held in Gazi University School of Medicine Oculoplastic and Orbital surgery department. Between 1994 and 2014, different types of orbital decompression surgery was performed on 170 patients referred with thyroid-related orbitopathy and results were evaluated retrospectically. Preoperative and postoperative hess screen test, ocular motility analysis, full opthalmological examination, orbital CT scan and/or orbital MRI were performed. Preoperative and postoperative exam results were compared after orbital decompression surgery. Postoperative proptosis reduction was statistically significant for each group. In terms of proptosis reduction, inferomedial 2 wall and inferomedial + lateral three wall orbital decompression surgery were similar to each other (p:0,09) and were superior to medial-lateral 2 wall and the others group. Medial-lateral 2 wall orbital decompression surgery was shown to cause a lower rate of new onset primary position diplopia (5,8 %). 86 It was shown that both medial lateral 2-wall and inferomedial + lateral 3-wall techniques significantly improve visual functions in compressive optic neuropathy (p<0.001). The results of this study indicate that all techniques produces an adequate visual improvement and orbital proptosis reduction with tolerable postoperative new onset diplopia in tyroid-related orbitopathy