Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2015
Abstract:In this study the effectiveness of simultaneous prompting procedure for the visually disabled children who are the siblings of typically developed children is examined. According to this, the study is conducted in Ankara with four visually impairment children and their typically developed siblings. One of the single subject research model, cross participant multiple probe model is used. In this study the children who have visual disability is stated as learning siblings, typically developed children are stated as instructive siblings. In addition to this information, researcher taught the instructive siblings how to teach simultaneous prompting procedure. For the teaching of simultaneous prompting procedure and mobility skills of the instructive siblings practice, generalization and follow-up sessions are conducted. In accordance with this information, reliability data about the instructive siblings is gathered. Moreover, for the mobility skills, the efficient performance of the learning siblings is gathered. Furthermore social validity data and inter observer validity data which is taken from mothers, learning and instructive siblings are shown in the study. According to the results, it is seen that the procedure of simultaneous prompting on the instructive siblings' mobility skills is effective. In addition to this, the procedure of simultaneous prompting is generalized for different mobility skills. After the instruction, persistency of the mobility skill teaching with simultaneous prompting is sustainable on 15th, 25th and 35th days. Moreover in this study by learning this methos, learning siblings are acquired the mobility skills effectively.