Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2012
Abstract:In this study, learning environment designed according to Laboratory Control System was researched if there is effect on students' academic success on computer education, related attitudes in learning-teaching process and permanence of the information that is learned. Research was conducted on 66 participants which was consisted of Kayseri Fevzi Çakmak high school 10th class students during 2010-2011 Education and Training year. Participants divided into 2 groups named experiment and control formed from 33 students. Control group learned web designing in traditional learning environment where the education made by projection. Experiment group learned web designing in active learning environment designed according to Laboratory Control System. Before teaching, success test and attitude scale for learning and education process was applied to both experiment and control group. Success test was applied right after education and after 5 weeks to find out if the teaching is permanent. Findings show that experiment group educated in active learning environment created with Laboratory Control System is more successful than control group educated in conventional environment. Also, there is a significant difference on permanence points of experiment and control group. These results show that learning environments designed according to Laboratory Control System is more effective on computer education. In addition, experiment group students on attitudes for learning process displayed more positive attitudes than control group. In this sense, creating active learning environment with Laboratory Control System, in this environment to be involved in classes by giving active missions to the students like leadership, it will increase students' success, permanence of the lessons learned and also attitude of the students towards lesson.