Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, ODYOLOJİ VE KONUŞMA SES BOZUKLUKLARI PROGRAMI, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Metin Yılmaz
Currently spread of hoarseness gradually increase among children. They have been
determined 40 percent vocal cord nodule in children who has hoarseness. Vocal hygiene that
is one of indirect therapy method which using treatment of children’s vocal cord nodule
effectively, is difficult to carry it in daily life. So, parent’s social support is necessary for
realize it. In the research, has been planned to parents of children who had vocal treatment,
less conflict with their children, change to child behaviour in the positive way, increase to
treatment effectivity and permanence correspondingly. For this reason, parents whose
children had vocal cord nodule and vocal hygiene education has been given an education for
establish regulations to their children and support to parent’s attitude changing. In the
research, has been examined to before and after physical examination findings of school age
children with vocal cord nodule, their voice therapy and parent’s aural perceptional voice
analyse findings and acoustic voice parameters, according to patients and their parent’s
behaviour and attitude changings. It has been attached 6-12 years old 31 children with vocal
cord nodule to the research. It has been found as a statistically meaningful differentiation
(p<0,05) about before and after physical examination findings and the voice therapy and
parent’s aural perceptional voice assessment findings. So, it has been found as a statistically
meaningful differentiation (p<0,05) about Jitter Local and Jitter Local abs parameters before
and after the therapy and it shows that all of acoustic voice analyse parameter values have
changed. In the research, physical examination findings that determined, the voice therapy
and parent’s aural perceptional voice assessment and acoustic voice analyse findings showed
to effectiveness of the treatment method that created.
Key Words : P ediatric Voice Disorders, Vocal Hygiene, Vocal Cord Nodule