Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Ümit Dilber
Supervisor: Nursel Akçam
Abstract:In our modern era, wireless communication has become a part of our daily life. The basic building blocks of wireless communication are antennas. Antennas are of different types and can be used in different areas respect to their intended usage. One of these antennas is the microstrip patch antenna. These antennas can be used in a number of military and commercial areas due to certain advantages. Patch antennas can be used especially in spacecraft, for satellite and missile systems in radar and telemetry applications. Because of the disadvantages of patch antennas, they must be used in multiple and different geometrical structures so that they can be used in long distance communications. Using this method, disadvantages of them can be eliminated. Therefore, using based on welldesigned a single patch antenna, antenna array design that is more than one patch antenna in different geometric structure and can communicate with long distance was carried out in this thesis. The patch antenna type used in this thesis is rectangular. The design steps of all single and array patch antennas are presented and analyzed in terms of antenna parameters. The performances of the designed antennas are compared and their suitability to the theoretical knowledge is examined. The operating frequency of all antennas is located in the X band and is 10 GHz. The dielectric material used for the antennas is Rogers RO4232 (tm), the height of this material is 1 mm and the dielectric constant is 3,2. All designs and simulations are designed in the HFSS 12.1 (High Frequency Structural Simulator) program and parameters result of the best desinged antennas are obtained using this program.