Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2014
Supervisor: NURSEL AKÇAM
Abstract:The aim of this study is to provide evaluation of the workplaces' compliance for occupational health and safety of the electromagnetic field level in the offices according to national and international limit values, to detect of the electromagnetic field impacts on possible health effects of employees and to determine of the level of awareness about this topic, to contribute ongoing epidemiological and experimental researches and to illuminate of related organizations about electromagnetic fields. For this purpose, at high frequency (radio frequency level) electromagnetic fields are measured in the five different workplaces' offices as two government agencies, two private company, one university and one hospital. Within the scope of this work, through adoption of preventive approach interpretation of taking necessary personal and public measures suggestions are made to improvement of the workplaces. Additionally, questionnaires are applied to office workers at the six different workplaces to detect emerging health problems as a consequence of electromagnetic field exposure and to determine apprehension and awareness of electromagnetic fields and the results are analyzed by SPSS. At the different workplaces according to the variation of electromagnetic field levels the statistical rates are analyzed by evaluating whether there are differences on the diseases and complaints. In consequence of analyzes, otorhinolaryngology and palpitation complaints are seen more frequently at statistically meaningful level in the employees of workplace with high exposure level of electromagnetic fields, therefore it was concluded that electromagnetic fields could be effective on emerging of the complaints.