The Relatıonshıp Between Clınıcal Experıence, Physıcal Actıvıty Level, Dısabılıty Level And Qualıty Of Lıfe In Dentıstry Students And Dentısts

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, FİZYOTERAPİ VE REHABİLİTASYON ANABİLİM DALI, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Deran Oskay


Purpose of the study; The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between clinical experience, physical activity level and disability level in dentistry students and dentists. 234 participants were divided into 3 groups. 1st and 2nd grade students in Dentistry included into Group1; 4th and 5th grade students in Dentistry included into Group2; Dentists under the age of 35 who have been active in the profession for at least 5 years were included into Group3. The socio-demographic characteristics of the individuals were noted. Pain levels (visual analog scale), disability levels (Oswestry Disability Index), physical activity levels (short form of the International Physical Activity Assessment Questionnaire) were assessed. According to the findings; While the pain scores of the groups were different from each other (p <0.001), physical activity levels were similar (p> 0.001). While the pain and disability levels of the groups were correlated (p <0.001), the levels of pain and physical activity were not correlated (p> 0.05). Low back pain caused by increasing age and daily working hours in dentists affects disability level. In this occupational group, the level of physical activity is not a primary factor in low back pain. The most important factor that increases the blow back pain is that dentists and candidates can not use the body ergonomics correctly or do not know. Therefore, as long as the time spent in the profession increases, the pain can affect the quality of life if adequate precautions are not taken for the causes of low back pain. The factors that cause low back pain should be evaluated in detail and the precautions related to this issue should be increased in the individuals receiving dental education.

Key Words

: Low Back Pain, Dentist, Work Expeience, Physical Activity Level, Quality of Life