The validity and reliability study on science learning assesment test for 60-72 months children and an examination of the effect of inquiry based science education program on science learning

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2013




In this research aimed to conduct a validity and reliability study of ?Science Learning Assesment Test? for 60-72 months old children and to determine the effect of Inquiry Based Science Education Program on supporting science learning for 60-72 months old children in preschool education. The research are made up of 2 study groups. The first experiment group consists of 301 children who are 60-72 months old and in preschool education in schools selected by using cluster sampling method in order to conduct the reliability and validity test for the Science Learning Assesment Test. The second study group consists of a total of 46 children, 23 of which are in test group in randomly selected schools and 23 of which are in control group. In this study, in which methodological research method, pre-test and post-test, quasi-experimental design with control group were utilized, General Information Form was used to gather information about parents and children, and the Science Learning Assesment Test was used to determine that children learn science. In order to determine the test-retest reliability of the test, the Science Learning Assesment Test was re-applied to 65 children randomly selected among 301 children who participated in the study. Inquiry Based Science Education Program developed by the researcher was applied to the children in the experiment group for three days a week during a total of 12 weeks. In order to determine the permanency of the test, Science Learning Assesment Test was re-applied to the children in the experiment group 4 weeks after the completion of the education program. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, item-total correlations, test-retest correlations, KR-20 reliability analysis were performed in the scope of the reliability and validity study of the Science Learning Assesment Test. In view of the acquired findings, the Science Learning Assesment Test was proved to be valid and reliable for 60-72 months old children. T test for independent samples and t test for related samples were utilized in order to present the effect of Inquiry Based Science Education Program. There was a significant difference in favour of the experiment group between the total and sub-scores of the children in experiment and control groups from the Science Learning Assesment Test and its subtest (p<0.01). As a result of the test on the permanency of the education program, it was concluded that the effect of the education program continued (p>.05). In view of these findings, suggestions were provided for researchers and educators so that they can enhance the science learning of the preschool children.