Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2013
Supervisor: IŞIL FİDAN
Abstract:Immunocompromised patients increase with each passing day because of using more wide spectrum antibiotics, making much more frequently the organ transplants causes an increase in the development of Candida infections in these patients. The neutrophils, macrophages, DC and Th1 cells which are activated by these cells play a role in immune response against Candida infections. The innate immunity is a protective mechanism to candidiasis. The parts of innate immunity are responsible for phagocytosis and killing of yeast, or the presentation of T cells. Acquired immunity is, which developed after the natural defense, second and more important protective mechanism. If the innate immunity is exceeded, adaptive immunity is activated in order to protect the body. The cellular and humoral immunity are developed against to Candida, but the role of cellular immunity is more. In this study, we investigated that the expression and secretion of Toll-like and chemokine receptors by PCR and ELISA methods in dendritic cell cultures stimulated with Candida species and we aimed that the role of these receptors in Candida infections. Infection model in our study, the invitro C. albicans and C. krusei-induced dendritic cell culture was established. Also yeast-free and only yeast containing wells were taken as control groups. After the incubation times, the cells and levels of TLR and chemokine levels in supernatants were investigated. According to the results of our study, when compared with the control group, Candida species were caused high TLR2, TLR4, TLR6 expression and secretion from DC s. In the evaluation of chemokine receptors, while the production of CCR5 and CXCR4 are high with the infection, CX3CR1 were not occur. Also, while C. albicans caused a significant increase compared to C. krusei in the secretion of TLR, C. krusei caused more effective in chemokine increasing. As a result, during the Candida infection, dendritic cells are activated first in antigen-presenting cells, as a result of interaction with various receptors yeast directed by activating the immune system response is concluded.