Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2013
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to examine the third-generation mobile phone 2100 MHz electromagnetic field created by the ductus epididymis and ductus deferenste enabled the rats can arise the structural changes. In our study, 36 Wistar-Albino male rats of 8 weeks were used. EMS application was fulfilled of rats 30 minutes per day during 4 and 8 weeks, 6 days per week. In the assessments; while 30 minutes a day for 1 month 2100 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic applied fields (RF-EMF) of the rat ductus epididymis sperm was not observed in some channels, a reduction in sperm density in some of the channels drew attention. Loss and damage of ligament was observed In cross-channel interstitial ligament where edematous take in. In addition, it was observed that vascularization was higly increased relative to the control and sham groups in cross-channel interstitial ligament. Examination of the ductus deferens tissues of rats, while 30 minutes a day for 1 month 2100 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic applied fields (RF-EMF) of the rat ductus deferens in 1 month EMF experimental grup according to the 1 month control and sham, the distortion in the cells which are made the pseudostratified epitelium, displacements in the cell nucleus, leaves the loose connective tissue of the lamina propria was noticed. Made by caspase-3 immunohistochemical staining analysis of rat tissues ductus deferens, There was no significant difference 1 month control, 1 month sham ande 1 month experimental groups. Made by VEGF immunohistochemical staining analysis of rat tissues ductus deferens, the increased immunreactivity in vessel endotelial cells had benn seen in 1 month experimental group according to the 1 month control and 1 month sham groups. 30 minutes a day for 2 month 2100 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic applied fields (RF-EMF) of the rat ductus epididymis, loose of sperm was observed in some channels. Decreases in height from place to place order distortion of epithelial cells, sperm was observed. İn interstitial connective tissue between channels the presence of edematous areas, accordding to the 2-month control and sham group were significantly increased blood supply had been seen significantly. analysis of rat ductus epididymis tissues in the same group with the Caspase-3 immunohistochemical staining, according to 2 month control and 2 month sham groups in the interstitial connective tissue in the cross-channel forming of the ductus epididymis increased immunoreactivity was observed. In the same group, examination of the ductus epididymis tissues of rats with VEGF immunohistochemical staining, vessels in the peritubular connective tissue which is made ductus epididimis channels, the increased immunreactivity had been seen. In the evaluation of 30 minutes a day for 2 month 2100 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic applied fields (RF-EMF) of the rat ductus deferens, pseudostratified epithelium and lamina propria at the bottom, separation and disorders of organization drew attention. İn analysis made by caspase-3 immunohistochemical staining of rat tissues ductus deferens, there was no difference in immunoreactivity between 2 month control, 2 month sahm and 2 month experimental groups caspase-3 immunohistochemistry staining. Made by VEGF immunohistochemical staining analysis of rat tissues ductus deferens, the increased immunreactivity in vessel endotelial cells had benn seen in 2 month experimental group according to the 2 month control and 2 month sham groups. In our study, the experimental groups compared with the ductus epididymis and ductus deferens weights, there was no statistically significant change in terms of weight. As a result, the third-generation mobile phones generated 2100 MHz EMF caused some structural changes were observed in the male genital ducts.