The effect of Vitamin C depending toluene inhalation occurs structural changes in rats testes and epididymis

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2010




We use chemicals in our daily life for domestic and industrial purposes. Toluene is widely used in industry that is the clear, colorless, volatile organic solvent. Toluene, for this purpose, in industry; coatings and paints, undiluted, plastics manufacturing, in making ink, adhesives, cleaning materials, gasoline, explosives (TNT) production, used in cigarette manufacture. Toluene uptake, as well as a very volatile solvents occurs via inhalation. Widespread use of toluene led people to remain active long term. It also revealed that harmful effects of toluene in our body. With toluene inhalation, significant damages occur in the cell. Toluene creates toxic effect of ROS (reactive oxygen species) in the cell. Male reproductive system compare with somatic cells, germ cells are more sensitive to the ROS. Antioxidants vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin E ameliorate oxidative stress. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of toluene inhalation with antioxidants vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin C + Vitamin E implements and protective effect of these vitamins in testes and epididymis s structual changes. In this experiment, we used 10-week-old, 24 male Wistar albino rats. 6000 ppm toluene was applied to rats for 5 weeks every day through breathing. Vitamin C (200 mg / kg) and Vitamin E (200 mg / kg) were performed intraperitoneal injection every day for 5 weeks. In thirtieth day, rats were euthanized by injection of intramuscular ketamin (45mg/kg) ve ksilazin (5mg/kg). After euthanasia, testis and epididymis tissues were collected from the inguinal regions of the abdomen. In order to evaluate the tissues of organs, they were stained with HE for histochemical staining and caspase -9 for immunohistochemical staining. In assessments, at toluene inhalation group s testis tissues, seminiferous tubules lost their uniform shape and size, spermatogenic cell series had significantly necrosis. Interstitial edema and Leydig cells loss were found. At the same group s Caspase-9 staining was increased especially in primary spermatocytes. In this group s epididymis samples, interstitial connective tissue had necrosis. In Caspase-9 staining in this group s epididymis samples, decreased immunoreactivity was noticed. In Toluene and Vitamin C application group s testicular tissue, necrosis of seminiferous tubules and edeme of interstitial area continued with decreased. In the same group s Caspase-9 staining, immunoreactivity was found to be decreased compared to toluene group. In this group s epididymis samples, decreased staining of Caspase-9 immunoreactivity was noticed. In Toluene, Vitamin C and Vitamin E group s testicular tissue, spermatogenic cells loss and edeme of interstitial area continued with decreased compared to toluen group. In the same group s Caspase-9 staining, immunoreactivity increased. In the same group s epididymis samples, stereosilya loss and increased Caspase-9 immnuoreactivity were noticed. The results of this study were evaluated statistically, seminiferous tubule diameter in the control group according to Toluene + Vitamin C group and Toluene + Vitamin C + Vitamin E group was statistically higher and significant (P <0.001). In our experiment, the thickness of seminiferous tubules walls were evaluated. Control group s the thickness of seminiferous tubules walls compared with Toluene group, Toluene + Vitamin C group and Toluene + Vitamin C + Vitamin E group. Control group was statistically significant higher (p <0.001). Toluene + Vitamin C group and Toluene + Vitamin C + Vitamin E group s the thickness of seminiferous tubules walls were higher and statistically significant compared with toluene group (p <0.001). In our study, body weights of experimental groups compared with the control group, control group was higher according to Toluene group, Toluene + Vitamin C group and Toluene + Vitamin C + Vitamin E group. In conclusion, toluene inhalation occured necrosis in spermatojenik cell series, interstitial edema and indirect Leydig cell loss. Vitamin C ameliorated damages. Vitamin C and Vitamin E combination has not been evaluated histologically positive.