Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2017
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Hülya Saykılı
Abstract:This study is primarily aimed at further strengthening the strong sides and enhancing the weak sides of the area, and also preventing the possible threats from happening by taking necessary measures. The aim is to increase the quality of life and the gross value added, to diversify the production, to support the qualified labor force, to protect and sustain the unique history and the natural and cultural values and to improve all the merits in order to develop the residential areas and to make the area, which has a powerful natural and cultural heritage, grow balancedly. Variety of tourism opportunities that can be applied through Ortahisar and immediate vicinity of it have been investigated. The problem, possibilities and environmental values have been specified with the regional and field surveys. The general condition of the environment and environmental status of the area have been determined by establishing the strong-weak sides, opportunities and threats (SWOT) and socio-economic conditions have been identified with surveys carried out on users in the field of study. Planning decisions, based on this data, for the protection of Ortahisar and the field of study have been presented. As a result of this study, intervention decisions have been obtained for Ortahisar and Eski Mahalle (Old Neighborhood). Therefore, the first significant step to hand this area down to the next generations has been taken.