Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2018
Supervisor: SERKAN KOŞAR
Abstract:When the field of education management is examined in Turkey, the researches that are conducted about influence tactics and organizational commitment is seen inadequate as the number. Therefore, it is planned to conduct a research on the relationship between influence tactics and organizational commitment in the field of education management. It is thought that such research to be done might provide important contributions both locally and abroad. Therefore, it was aimed to examine the relationship between the influence tactics used by primary school administrators and organizational commitment of teachers in this study, in this context, the questions have been answered. About the perceptions of teachers and having what kind of relationship with influence tactics and levels of organizational commitment. Quantitative research method has been used in the research. The teachers have formed the core of this research in the relational screening model, whom working eight sub district (Altındağ, Çankaya, Etimesgut, Keçiören, Mamak, Pursaklar, Sincan, Yenimahalle) in the city center of Ankara. The sampling is composed of 397 teachers determined by layered sampling method. The data collection tool of the research consists of three parts. While the first part contains personal information, in the second part, there is the affected behavioral scale for employees developed by Yukl, Seifert and Chavez (2008) this scale consists of 44 items and measures 11 different influence tactics. In the third part, there is Organizational Commitment scale developed by Balay (2000b). This scale that has 27 items, measures the sub dimensions of compliance, identification and internalization. The necessary permissions from those who develop to use the data collection tools and from the Ankara provincial directorate of national education in order to apply the data collection tools to the schools have been taken. SPSS and LISREL programs have been used in the analysis of the data stage. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, multiple linear regression analysis has been used in analyzing the independent variables in order to determine the relationships between variables. It has also been tested whether the autocorrelation problems are among the assumptions of regression analysis. As a result of the research, it has been determined that suitability to the requirements which is the most used influence tactic and response and personal attraction which is at least used influence tactic by primary school administrators. It has been determined that teachers are also attached to their schools at the most internalized level. However, primary school administrators are advised to use more moderate tactics (appreciation, information and cooperation). Teachers also have a lower level of commitment to their school than other dimensions. In this context, it is possible to make studies that will increase the teachers' loyalty in their schools in the dimension of adaptation.