The effect of teaching measurement unit of the 8th geometrical objects and the surface area' mathematics lesson based on teaching to orff approach onto the academic achievements and attitudes of the students

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2014




This research aims to study the effects of Orff Approach in Music applied in Geometrical Objects and The Surface Area unit in Mathematics lesson based on teaching course given in 8th grade Primary Education School on student academic achievement and attitudes. This study was made with 48 secondary school students in Ankara-Çankaya in 2013- 2014 academic years. The empirical method with pretest-posttest control group was used in this study. In experimental group there were 24 students, in control group there were 24 students. In experimental group the lessons were carried out by the instruction method based on Orff Approach. The success test which was prepared by the researcher was used to obtain data. The success test was used two times: before the application (pretest), after the application (posttest). In addition to The Survey on Thoughts About Mathematics developed by EARGED used to experimental and control group. The Survey on Thoughts About Mathematics was used two times: before the application (pretest), after the application (posttest). The datas were analyzed by the program SPSS 20.0. According to the research findings, the achievement level and the attitudes toward mathematics of the experimental group on which Teaching by Orff Approach was applied was observed to be significantly better than that of the control group who received conventional instruction. As a result the instruction based on Orff Approach in the subject of geometric solids' surface fields raised 8th year students' mathematical academic achievement.