A Differentiation Approach To Art Education Of Gifted and Talented Students

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Resim-İş Eğitimi Bilim Dalı, Turkey

Approval Date: 2021

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Osman Çaydere


The aim of this research is to develop a differentiation approach towards the visual arts

education of gifted and talented students studying at the Science and Art Center. The

developed differentiation approach has been evaluated by examining its effect on students'

creativity. It is thought that the study enables gifted students to use their potential at the

best level in the visual arts lesson. The research is important in terms of its effect on the

creativity of gifted / intelligent students by improving students' different and creative

thinking skills. In addition, the research is important in terms of demonstrating the

effectiveness of the developed differentiation approach by comparing with the lessons

taught within the framework of a model applied in the world. It is thought that this study

will both contribute and have a place in the body of literature in terms of being one of the

limited studies within the scope of developed differentiation approach and also the results

obtained for the visual arts education of gifted / talented individuals. Quantitative research

design was used in the study. Single group pre-test - post-test method was performed

within the scope of quantitative research design. For this reason, Torrance creativity test

was applied to determine the effectiveness of the developed differentiation method, the

results were tabulated, interpreted, and in this way got the lowdown. The target population

of the study conducted within the scope of the research is gifted and talented individuals

who are diagnosed in the field of visual arts within the borders of Turkey ; sample consists

of 45 individuals with special talent who study in a science and art center in Istanbul.

Purposeful sampling was applied in the study. A differentiation approach was developed

for the visual arts education of gifted and talented students within the scope of the research

.In terms of developing a differentiation approach, the subject of 'Immigration and

Refugee' was selected which can be covered within the visual arts course in the Bilsem

Activity Book prepared by the Ministry of National Education for Science and Art centers

and some differentiation of the current subject was made in terms of content, process, product and learning environment. The guide book in question is not prepared according

to a special teaching method for talented students ; in terms of the acquisitions it contains,

it brings through the same achievements as the visual arts course curriculum of the

secondary schools of the Ministry of National Education, which are included in formal

education. In terms of content, the achievements of the Talents Are Unlimited Model

(Carol Schlichter) are also included within the current topic. The strategies, basic skills,

research skills and products that teachers will use throughout the process are included. In

the development of the differentiation approach, The Talents Are Unlimited Model, which

is designed for gifted and talented students, has been used worldwide. Within the scope of

the research, the courses designed for the developed differentiation approach used by the

teachers in the Visual Arts course were compared with the activity book containing the

curriculum of the Ministry of National Education and the results were interpreted. It was

observed that there was a significant increase in the Visual Arts course success points and

creativity scores of the students.

Key Words : Special Talent, Gifted, Art Education, Creativity, The Talents are Unlimited Model, Torrance Creativity Test, Special Abilities Developing Program.