Bakır ve alaşımlarının sert lehiminde farklı kimyasal kompozisyonlara sahip ilave tellerin bağlantının mekanik ve mikroyapı özelliklerine etkisi

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2010




In this study, commercial purity (99.5%), copper alloy plates were brazed using oxy-gas flame with four the different brazing alloys wire thorough blunt and overlay. After the brazing, the brazing capability, microstructure and the mechanical property change were investigated. In addition, wetting capability of various brazing alloys on the joining of various joining designs (blunt and overlay) were compared. Experimental results showed that, L-CuZn39Sn brazing wire using in the blunt joining caused the microporosity in the microstructure and the mechanical properties were affect negatively. Mechanical properties of the blunt joining using same brazing wire similar with other brazing wires were determined. The joining of the grains with diffusion in the overlay joints using L-CuNi10Zn42 and L-CuZn40 brazing wires well were determined.