Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2017
Supervisor: ASENA SOYLUK
Abstract:The main topic of the thesis is the assessment of seismic behavior of curtain wall which is one of the non-strcutural elements, which are increasingly used today. In this study, especially in the design phase, the importance of selecting and detailing the materials used in the components of an outer shell of a building which was designed as curtain wall has been touched on. The approaches of World and Turkey Regulations, about the seismic design of non structural elements such as curtain wall, have been examined. According to field work, changes of profiles based on the connection types which will be used on the curtain wall, the detailing the anchors and the selection of glass types were examined. As a result of this examination, differences between the different design decisions were revealed by the analysis of the equivalent earthquake load that influenced through the curtain Wall of building. It is aimed to emphasize the importance of curtain wall detailing by examining the positive and negative aspects of curtain wall connection types and financial effects. In conclusion, the importance of material and connection choices of curtain wall systems has been examined in terms of earthquake and it has been emphasized that more detailed legal regulations on the subject should be made.