A study into the development of scale for preschool social values acquisition and effect of the program of social values education on the social values acquisition of children attending to a kindergarten

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2014




The current study was carried out to determine The development of scale for preschool social values acquisition and effect of the program of social values education on the social values acquisition of children attending to a kindergarten. A methodological research method was used in the development of The Scale for Preschool Social Values Acquisition. As for the Effect of the program of social values education on the social values acquisition of children attending to a kindergarten, it was examined through pre-test, post-test and control grouped experimental design. The validity and reliability tests of The Scale for Preschool Social Values Acquisition was carried out over 200 children attending to a kindergarten acting under the official primary schools of Ministry of Education in the central towns of the city of Ankara. Test and retest reliability of The Scale for Preschool Social Values Acquisition was carried over 60 children chosen randomly out of 200 children participating in the research. The effect of the program of social values education on the social values acquisition of children attending to a kindergarten was applied in the Ulu Önder Primary School determined through purposive sampling method. Twenty children attending the morning session of the Ulu Önder Primary School comprised the test group, while twenty other students attending to the afternoon session comprised the control group. As a data collection instrument of the research, The Scale for Preschool Social Values Acquisition was used to determine the viii social values of the children attending to a kindergarten and Answer Form for the Scale for Preschool Social Values Acquisition was used to register the replies. In order to determine the effect of the program of social values education on the social values acquisition of children attending to a kindergarten, Social Values Education Program developed by the researcher was used. Social Values Education Program was prepared depending on child books with pictures. Social Values Education Program was made up of twenty-nine educational status. It is applied teaching children three days a week. The application period varies depending on the activities taking place in the education. Within the content of validity of The Scale for Preschool Social Values Acquisition, content validity and structure validity analyses were calculated and in terms of reliability, test, re-test, Kuder Richardson -20 (KR-2) reliability coefficients were calculated for the purpose of consistency and internal consistency. So as to determine the effect of Social Values Education Program on the social values acquisition of children, Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare independent groups and Wilcoxen Signed Rank Test was used to compare dependent groups. Significance level was taken as 0.05. As a result of the findings obtained; it was found that The Scale for Preschool Social Values Acquisition composed of five sub-dimension and 19 items was a valid and reliable instrument in determining social values that kindergarten children have. It was also found that Social Values Education Program was effective on the social values acquisition of children and this effect was permanent. In the light of these results, educators, child book writers and painters, publishing houses and researchers were given some recommendations.