Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Resim Eğitimi, Turkey
Approval Date: 2018
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Şeniz Aksoy
The main purpose of the study is to investigate a/r/tography practices in painting studio art
class as an alternative method in training prospective art educators. The method which was
used for the study is composed of qualitative research method which aims to find “the truth” by
using interpretivist paradigm and of “a/r/tography” which aims to find “the meaning” and is one of
the art-based research methods. Typical case sampling method which is one of the purposive
sampling methods was used in the study. In order to gather detailed information related to
the aim of the study, observation (unstructured observation), interview (unstructured
interview, semi-structured interview), document review (self-evaluation writings, researcher
diaries, personal narratives), audio and visual materials (photographs, voice records,
telephone messages and portfolio) were used as data collection methods. Interview questions
were prepared after obtaining expert opinions of 5 experts using Lawshe’s Content Validity
Index. Sample application in the study was carried out by the researcher. The data was
obtained from 7 students, the lecturer of the lesson and from the researcher who was the
participant and the observer. Since the study is formed as both qualitative and art-based,
descriptive analysis and content analysis are used in analysis of the obtained data. According
to the findings of the study; a/r/tographic inquiry process in the studio art classes was
structured by the students who generated some meanings by means of living inquiry and
metaphor. By means of a/r/tography practices, artist/researcher/teacher-learner identities of
the students were revealed. Writing and making art in a/r/tography practices enabled students
to develop some ideas. Using of students’ own life experiences in the practices enabled the
creation of original works of art. The students learned to gain awareness and they gained a
significant experience in learning to create a bond with life. With a/r/tography practices, the
students frequently interacted with their surroundings and gained awareness of the
environment. Within the scope of the practice, the students had difficulty in finding ideas and generating meaning. The fact that students were free to find their own ideas made the
practice an encouraging one. By means of the practice, the students inquired for the first time
and they learned to discover the details. The students saw themselves as artists/researchers/
teachers-learners. Because the practices necessitated to research, the students recognized that they also learned outside of the class. The lecturer of the course believes that the practices
contributed to the creativity of the students. The lecturer is of the opinion that the students
returned to their experiences thanks to the practices and thus they found original ideas. The
lecturer has stated that the students did research but they remained limited and that the
students thought and acted just as artists and they produced works which have high artistic
values. She is of the opinion that the learner identities of students revealed by means of their
learning in the class. The lecturer believes that the teacher identities of the students revealed
by means of learning from each other. A/r/tography practices have been shown to be
effective in filling the deficiencies of intellectual skills. For instance, the art education given
to teacher candidates conventionally in studio art classes was not thinking and questioningbased,
the students did not focus on their experiences before and that they did not writing
practice. The practices also have shown to be effective as a contribution in minimising to
have difficulty in understanding the subject, finding ideas and writing.
Key Words : A/r/tography, living inquiry, metaphor, arts-based research, arts-based educational research