Development of music education at the republican era in Turkey

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2014




The aim of this work is to explain the progress, interaction, problems and the stages of music education from the Republican Era till so far. In this work, written documents and sources that belong to the target era is used for explaining and analyzing the cases which occurred before, during and after the Republican Era. Therefore, literature analyzing method is used in this work. As this method consists of written documents that information including, more than one source are used. These sources are the ones that are gained basically from libraries, books, magazines and articles etc. The education of the art of music before the Republican Era is briefly mentioned. This work, is mainly about and based on the Republican era, analyzes and searches the effects of Ataturk's beliefs and thoughts, and focuses on the consequences and effects of cultural and political structure, which consisting in the next periods, on the music education. Also contributions of institutions that related with music education, decisions and legislations about music education and programs of music teacher (maestro) training institutions are analyzed. This work consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, the problems, aims, significances, boundaries and the definitions of the work are placed. The second chapter includes the relevant investigations, and the third chapter has the method and the model of the work; with the ways of gathering and analyzing the data. The discoveries and comments about the thesis are stated in the fourth chapter. Finally, the results and suggestions of the study take part in the last chapter. The results, obtained at the end of the work, are discussed in different topics and these results are reached: When music education policies of the Republican Era are analyzed, it is seen that thoughts of Atatürk and his consideration on music education is affective, new innovations are shaped by this situation and new institutions which reflected the thoughts of the Republican Era are opened. These institutions are: - Music Teachers' College was founded in Ankara. (1924) - Harmonica-i-i Humayun moved to Ankara Presidential Delegation took the name of Music. (1924) - Istanbul Municipal Conservatory was established. (1926) - Ankara State Conservatory was established. (1926) - Gazi Training Institute was established in the Department of Music. (1937) - Military Music School was opened in Ankara. (1938) - When direct decisions on music education are analyzed, it is seen that various decisions are taken at the congress of VI, VIII, IX, XII, XV and XVIII. With these decisions, general secondary course timetable are created, music lessons by incorporating into public courses have taken place between both mandatory and elective courses and music lessons decisions are taken towards the evaluation of grades. At congresses except these, various options and recommendations are expressed. - In the title of Music Curriculum in Primary Schools, the primary education programs of 1924, 1926, 1936, 1939, 1948, 1962, 1968, 1997, 2005 and 2010 are analyzed. The results of this analysis show that music lessons take place among the compulsory subjects all school programs except the village primary school programs of 1939 and 1948. - In the title of Programs of Music Teacher, the programs of 1925 and 1931 of Training Music Teachers' College are mentioned, as well as the programs of 1941 and 1970 of Gazi Training Institute of Music Branch are analyzed, then, the programs of Gazi Faculty of Education (Gazi Teachers Training High School before) are mentioned. The educational programs of these institutions, up to the present forms of faculties of education from the School of Music Teachers, consist of General Culture, Field Knowledge and Teaching Science courses.