Concepts Of The Doubt And Obsess Over The Woman's Body In The Context Of Objectıfıcatıon

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey

Approval Date: 2015

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Yeliz Temürçi



In this thesis, from the previous period to the present day concepts of the doubt and obsess over the woman's body in the context of biological, physiological and psychological insisting as to who objectifying male-dominated mindset and how he approaches the approach of this Art interpreted visually in images were investigated. The thesis is qualitative method; observation, research, and consists of the implementation phase. Conducted literature review the scope of the subject existing documents examined. Ever made having to do with the subject in the context of the research and applications are reviewed. When we look at the history of humanity, the necessity of unbundling conducted on the sexual differences of the creation with the idea of a male dominated system is based on a foundation that is built upon. Within the scope of the subject, frequently used in the history of art, especially 19th. century, starting from the cruise in the woman's body which is the object of interest, is discussed along with mentioning the work of many artists and contemporary art. As relevant, albeit in a limited role objectified and marginalised feminist art and women artists in the relation of the woman's body was also investigated. The research addressed these issues within a conceptual framework in particular. From all kinds of fields regarding scientific research necessary for the discipline of data were used. Art works from different periods was studied in parallel with these thoughts. Relevant mindset, and theories without watching a chronological sequence specific artistic periods were examined. In conjunction with the execution of the subject application are discussed