The Determınatıon Of Formaldehyde Emıssıon Propagatıon Velocıty In Wood-Based Panels

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2016


Supervisor: HAKAN KESKİN


This study has been performed to determine the formaldehyde emission propagation velocity in the MDF, MDFlam, plywood, particleboard and melamine coated chipboard. For this reason, plywood, chipboard, MDF, laminated MDF, laminated chipboards, which were 500*500*18 mm, were used. The measurement of folmaldehyde emission propagation velocity in the wood based panels has been done with Multi-RAE gas measurement device between 200C65% relative humity and 350C-65% relative humity. As a conclusion, Formaldehyde emission velocity propagation between the two environments did not have statistically significant differences. The highest emission velocity propagation was seen in plywood and chipboard and then MDF, respectively. The lowest velocity propagation was obtained in the chipboard. In this study, emission propagation velocity for plywood was about 22 hours and the emission propagation velocity for chip boards was 3 hours. Accordingly, these values may be considered very important in the selection of wood-based panels to be used in the living area of formaldehyde propagation velocity