Evaluatıon Of The Effect On The Myasıs Of Hyoscyamus Nıger L. In Terms Of Pharmacognosy

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, FARMAKOGNOZİ ANABİLİM DALI, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Esra Akkol


Hyoscyamus niger L. (Solanaceae) known as “henbane” in our country, is widely

distributed in Europe and Asia. In Turkey, henbane seeds have been used in folk

medicine to eradicate worms in the eyes. In the light of this information, antilusidal

activity of H. niger seeds, which had previously been proven to be effective against

different pathogens, was evaluated in this study.For this purpose, n-Hexane,

ethylacetate, methanol and alkaloid extracts were prepared from the seeds of the

plant and their larvicidal activities on Lucilia sericata larvae were evaluated. In the

present study,the development of the larvae was observed after application of H.

niger seeds extracts. EC50 and EC90 values of the alkaloid extract were calculated

and morphological abnormalities investigated. Alkaloid extract prepared from the

seeds of this plant displayed significant larvicidal activity and EC50 values were

found to be 8.04, 8.49, and 7.96g/mL against first, second, and third larval instar,

respectively. It was determined that malformations of larvae included damaged

larvae with small size, contraction and weak cuticle.Furthermore, high

performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis was performed on alkaloid

extract of H. niger seeds and main components of the extract were determined. It

has been determined that the alkaloid extract mainly contain hyoscyamine and

scopolamine using HPLC. These results confirm the folkloric use of the plant and

suggest that the alkaloid content of the plant could be responsible for the larvicidal


Key Words : Black henbane, Hyoscyamus niger, Lucilia sericata,

Solanaceae, Myiasis