Valıdıty And Relıabılıty Of Acceptance, Perceptıon, Comprehension, Expressıon And Intellıgıbılıty Profıle On Turkısh Language Assessment Of Chıldren Wıth Hearıng Aıd

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, KULAK BURUN BOĞAZ ANABİLİM DALI ODYOLOJİ KONUŞMA VE SES BOZUKLUKLARI PROGRAMI, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Metin Yılmaz


Early diagnosis is of vital importance to minimize the negative effects of hearing loss on

social, economic, academic skills and language development. Post-early diagnosis

performance monitoring is an important part of the intervention process as much as the

diagnosis. In this study, it was studied on a scale with the original name of “Acceptance-

Perception-Expression-Intelligence Profile”(APCEI) which provides performance

determination in the areas of device acceptance, auditory perception, recognition and

comprehension, verbal expressions and intelligibility. This scale was adapted to Turkish

with the name of “Cihaz Kabulü, İşitsel Algı, Tanımlama, Sözlü İfadeler ve Anlaşılırlık

Profil Ölçeği”(KATSA). In order to evaluate the auditory and verbal performance of

children with hearing loss in our country, this adaptation was made in order to contribute to

the needs of audiology area. For this purpose, the Turkish version of the scale was

conducted after the steps of translated into English and Turkish and translation back. The

study included 56 children with 35 cochlear implant users and 21 hearing aid users with

between the ages 1-18.Turkish version scale was applied to the children participants in the

study. Cronbach's alpha results were placed in a reliable condition, the internal consistency

was provided, the data distributed normally, the group comparison tests could be

performed by using the total KATSA scores and the discriminant validity was proven for

the scale. As a result of the findings obtained in our study; It has been shown that “Cihaz

Kabulü, İşitsel Algı, Tanımlama, Sözlü İfadeler ve Anlaşılırlık Profil Ölçeği”(KATSA).

scale is suitable for performing performance follow-up in children with hearing loss

between the ages 1-18.

Key Words : L a nguage development, performance evaulation, auditory perception,

intelligibility, comprehension