The functions of family training programme applied to the mothers with children at the age of six and examination of the effects on parental attitudes and child's development

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2012




In this study, the effects of the approaches training of trainer mothers applied to mothers with children at the age of six, mother to mother education and education via newsletters on the mother's family function, child-rearing attitudes and child's development were examined. The research conducted in the 2010-2011 academic year in Ankara was structured as a pre-test- post test experimental design. The study was conducted with 128 mothers with children at the age of six. The family training programme was implemented to the mothers in the groups of training of trainer mothers (s=28), mother to mother education (s=28) and education via newsletters (s=32) for 16 weeks to improve the family functions of mothers and their child-rearing attitudes. However, the family functioning programme was not implemented to the control group (s=40). The data of research was obtained by Family Assessment Scale, Family Attitude Inventory and Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory. Wilcoxon signed rank test and Kruskal-Wallis H test were used for the analysis of the data. According to the result of the data, it was seen that the family function and child-rearing attitudes of the mothers in the experimental group had changed in a positive way. There was not a significant difference in the areas of social skills and self are development in the mothers' children in the experimental and control group. In the intergroup comparison, there was a significant difference in the favour of mothers trained though training of trainer mothers. When compared to the group trained through education via newsletters, the significant difference was in favour of group trained through mother to mother education.