The Evaluatıon Of Chıldren (2- 78 Months) Wıth Cleft Lıp- Cleft Palate About Developmental, Articulatıon, Voıce And Language

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey

Approval Date: 2015

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Şadiye Bacık Tırank



A person must have an adequate lip and palate functions, coordination of soft palate muscles and larynks and proper timing of velopharyngeal closure for production of speech sounds. Organic disorders which may occur at those speech related organs can affect the development of speech and language. Across those disorders cleft lip-palate (CLP) malformations are very common. Although many different and diverse studies about voice, language and speech disorders have been done in Turkey at last decade, studies which include development areas are absent. Main objective of our study is to evaluate voice, speech, language and development areas of children with CLP and provide an opportunity to manage education and rehabilitation processes. With evaluation of concordance between our assessment instruments, to introduce a more effective and valid assessment method is our secondary objective. 30 children between 2-78 months old with cleft lip-palate were evaluated in our research. Subjects were evaluated by means of development, speech, language and voice. Denver II Development Screening Test and Portage Assessment Scale were used for developmental evaluation. For language evaluation, TIFALDI test and language sub scale of Portage Assessment Scale were used. Phonation function were evaluated with urkish Articulation and Phonology Test.Voice analysis of subjects were carried out with MDVP acoustic analysis software. General development of children with CLP were found out as 43,3% abnormal, 20% suspicious, 36,7% normal. Among sub development areas cognitive development regressed 50%, motor development regressed 53,3%, language development regressed 40% and social development regressed 16,7%. Receptive language skills and ekspressive language skills are regressed for children with CLP by 30% and 40% respectively. As a result of phonation evaluation, different amount of problems were found out for phonemes [t, d, z, s, c, ç, ş, b, p, r, e, f, l, v, m]. Acoustical analysis showed that fundamental frequency values were statistically different between groups.