Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2017
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Sharif Rzayev
Abstract:Orthognatic surgery is a general term used for various procedures applied to patients with dentomaxillo- facial anomalies whom completed skeletal growth by the cooperation of an orthodontist and a surgeon. Orthognatic surgical operations may include the mandible, maxilla or both jaws at the same time and are routinely utilized in order to fix dentofacial anomalies, improve dental arches and facial esthetics, and rehabilitate all jaw and tooth functions. The main objective in all surgical fields is to cause less tissue damage, thus decrease the number of potential complications and provide a less painful and more comfortable postoperative period for the patients. Piezoelectric surgery is a new technique that uses piezoelectric ultrasonic vibrations in order to perform safe and effective osteotomies and minimizes tissue damage and patient morbidity. The aim of this study is to comparatively evaluate primary postoperative patient complaints such as edema, paresthesia and pain, and also patient satisfaction and operation times of orthognatic surgical operations performed with conventional drills and piezoelectric surgery. 200 patients with completed skeletal growth and malocclusion due to mastication dysfunctions were retrospectively evaluated. These patients were divided into two main groups named Control group and Piezo group. Each group was divided into 3 sub-groups with regard to the type of surgical procedure performed; which are, Le Fort-1 sub group, Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy (BSSRO) sub group and Bimaxillary sub group. The evaluation between the groups is made at postoperative 1 day, 1 week, 1, 3 and 6 months. In order to evaluate each sub group, the data acquired from a specific sub group was compared to the sub group with the same name in the other main group. After piezoelectric surgery edema, neurosensory dysfunction and pain levels were found to be lesser than conventional techniques. Patient satisfaction was found to be higher in piezoelectric surgery patients. When operation times were compared piezoelectric surgery was discovered to take longer to finish the osteotomy because of its lower cutting efficiency. This study shows that the selective cutting ability of the piezoelectric surgery device provides an extremely safe osteotomy for patients by performing a selective osteotomy, thus preserving critical adjacent soft tissues.