Clınıcal And Radıologıcal Evaluatıon Of Outcomes Of The Apıcal Surgery Performed Wıth Modern TechnıQue Usıng Mta And Super-eba

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey

Approval Date: 2016

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Faruk Öğütlü



In the apical surgery with modern technique using operation loops, micro-instruments and materials having higher biocompatibility more successful outcomes can be achieved. The aim of this study is to assess the results of the modern apical surgery employing Super-EBA and MTA with reference to the radiologic and clinical aspects. The study included 71 patients in total and the modern apical surgery was applied to 112 teeth. Tooth location, existence of the canal post, age and gender, quality of the root canal sealing, surgical process as initial or retreatment, initial canal treatment or retreatment, preoperative signs and symptoms, restoration type, preoperative healing course and the size of the preoperative lesion of 112 teeth in the study were recorded. The mobility measurements were performed before, during and 6 months after the surgery with periotest device. MTA and Super-EBA were employed as root apex sealing material. The surgical process was performed by using surgical loop and micro instruments. The clinical and radiological assessments evaluated 6 months after surgery. Apical surgery performed with modern technique has the success rate of 88.4%. The anterior region teeth found statistically better healing than posterior region teeth and the teeth in maxillary region found statistically better healing than mandibular teeth. Other parameters had no statistically meaningful effect on surgical operation. Periotest values measured respectively preoperative, postoperative and 6 months after surgery. The periotest values were significantly increased after the apical surgery. Although the periotest values were decreased after 6 months, they were still significantly higher than preoperative values. Sci