Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2013
Abstract:This research investigated new literacy skills used by elementary preservice teachers. Specifically, this research focuses on new literacies of online reading comprehension which is defined functions such as locating information, critically evaluating, synthesizing and communicating information. Based on the idea that preservice teachers affect to teach skills and strategies to the students who located in the center of gaining and using the information, this research explored new literacies of online reading comprehension skills of elementary preservice teachers. Research was carried out in case study which is one of the qualitive study design. The participants of research consisted of twenty-four preservice teachers (twelve of male and twelve of female) studying on the department of elementary teaching. The participants were chosen by purposeful sampling. Volunteering was taken as a basis on the selection of participants. In this research, the data was gathered by using Camtasia screen capture video-camera records, observation form, semi structured interviews, questionnaire and check list. The researcher used content and descriptive analyses techniques to analyze data obtained in this research. During the data collecting process, screen capture software called Camtasia used to record and save online reading actions, and observation form was used to evaluate video recordings. The questionnaire and check list was used to determine how often were applied new literacy strategies. Semi-structured interview form was used to obtain participants? opinions regarding their new literacies of online reading comprehension. The research findings revealed that preservice teachers? skills on new literacies of reading comprehension is not sufficient, new literacies and online reading comprehension should be considered as a whole and this process should focus on teacher training. In this regard, some of the research results are in the following: 1) Male teachers' practice are more successful than girls in the new literacy strategies. The results illustrated that there were no linear relationship between the frequency of internet using by participants, their academic achievements and applying the skills of new literacies strategies. If the grade level increase, the implementation of strategies would increased. 2) The most commonly used strategies for online reading are using the search engine, skimming and collating the text; search for keywords, taking care to select the type of text and questioning the comprehension strategies. 3) None of the participants choose to print the pages reached and need to read. They struggle with question which they need to use multiple resources and intertextuality reading. Therefore they answered the questions used by topic-specific prior knowledge. 4) Many of the preservice teachers couldn?t use the successful strategies on evaluating information. They read the information which located on web sites superficially. They also tend to generate answers from sites or text which was first read. 5) While one-third of the participants answering the questions, they displaying behaviors such as combining, editing and expressing his /her own words between prior knowledge and information obtained from the web sites. Two-thirds of the participants created the answers by copying to the first answer they think as the answer to the problem. 6) Preservice teachers indicated that they experienced problems such as technology, accessing information and selecting information. 7) Eighteen participants perceived more favorable online reading than offline reading. 8) The results of the study illustrated that there were no linear advancement by grade level. The results of answering questions also reveal that the most successful grade is third grade preservice teachers and the failure group is second grade preservice teachers.