An Assessment Of Long Term Average Spectra Of Turkısh Language And A Comparıson Of Adults Wıth Normal Hearıng And Adults Who Are Cochlear Implant Users

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey

Approval Date: 2015

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Mustafa Yüksel



All of the spoken languages uses the same basic instruments which are a vocal fold and areas where the sound of voice resonates. But at the same time every language have its own frequency and amplitude characteristics. One of the most used method which aims to evaluate those characteristics is evaluation of long term average spectra of speech. With that method many different parameters and variables are extracted and analyzed from a long speech sample. In this research those parameters and variables are assessed for Turkish language. Those analyzes are performed both for normal hearing subjects (N=30) and cochlear implant users (N=18) who are post lingual deafened. Statistical analyzes are carried out for differences between these groups and for gender differences within groups. And as a result of those assessments there were not statistically significant differences between normal hearing and cochlear implant groups except 500 Hz; but in case of gender there were many statistically significant differences between genders. Also, those frequency and amplitude characteristics reflected to an audiogram for to have a different point of view about hearing losses.